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Writing This Because I Rarely See Them Anymore

About Separation and the Promise of Forever

Living far from home has its ups and downs. My university is on a different island, which means I'm separated from my family by miles. Today, I said goodbye to my grandmother, then to my mother at the airport, and finally to my father before he headed off on a business trip. It's always tough being apart from loved ones, but the hardest goodbyes are the ones caused by death. Luckily, in Islam, we have a beautiful concept called akhirat, the afterlife.

In Islam, akhirat reminds us that our time in this world is temporary, but what lies beyond is everlasting. It's like planting seeds: if we do good deeds, they outweigh the bad ones, and we earn God's mercy and approval. This means we have a shot at entering paradise, where we can be reunited with our loved ones who also lived good lives. Isn't that a beautiful idea? It's something that encourages kindness in the world and gives us hope for a forever with those we hold dear.

As I reflect on these thoughts, I find solace in the comforting embrace of Islam's teachings. The concept of akhirat, the eternal afterlife, reminds me that our time in this world is fleeting, but what awaits us is everlasting. It's like planting seeds of goodness; the more we nurture them, the greater the rewards. The idea of reuniting with loved ones in paradise brings a sense of warmth and hope to my heart.

During moments of separation, akhirat serves as a soothing balm, reminding me that our connections extend far beyond this transient existence. It encourages me to spread kindness and love, knowing that these small acts have the power to transcend boundaries and touch lives in ways we may not fully comprehend. The beauty lies in the simplicity of the concept – to live a life filled with goodness, and in doing so, create an eternal bond that surpasses worldly limitations.

So, as I navigate the occasional sadness of temporary goodbyes and the longing for those far away, I take solace in the profound teachings of Islam. I strive to nurture seeds of goodness, allowing love and compassion to bloom in my daily interactions. In this pursuit, I find a sense of peace, knowing that the connections we forge and the love we share have the potential to transcend time and space, ushering us into a realm where separation is no more, and unity reigns forever.


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